Transport services
Logistics is one of Kaiser’s key differentiating features. This includes the reliable, fast transport of raw materials to the manufacturing facilities, the timely delivery of the finished goods from the manufacturing facilities to Kaiser Germany, as well as any transport services between Kaiser and the client, or even the end consumer (i.e. the customer of our client).
The challenge of simultaneously managing global bulk product flows while still maintaining an individual view of each order is part of our day-to-day business. Kaiser has its own department (shipping department) that controls all transport flows; integrated into this shipping department, Kaiser also operates its own specialized department for computer-assisted handling of complex customs procedures.
Kaiser is connected to the ATLAS system of the German customs administration, which simplifies and accelerates the electronic filing of customs declarations as well as the customs clearance process.
Most of Kaiser’s goods are shipped from Germany. The warehouses in Kleinheubach are the central transshipment point for these goods.
With a storage capacity of about 1.5 million hanging garments and a total storage area of about 60.000 sqm, we are well-equipped to manage complex logistical challenges. The modern technical equipment in Kaiser’s warehouses ensure fast and precise operation. Thus, even large quantities of goods can be handled in a very short time.
Logistics is one of Kaiser’s key differentiating features. We offer fast transshipment, but also the option of handling large NOS programs.
Our employees are responsible for controlling and managing the entire process chain. A sale notice at the POS (point of sale) triggers an electronic impulse that prompts the restocking or repeat production of a given item.
Service for the client
The warehouses are more than just simple “stockrooms” in the conventional sense. Consignment control, sorting, branch order picking, as well as labeling, security tagging, and computer ticketing are carried out here.
Thus, the warehouses become part of the customer logistics process. Kaiser carries out a final quality control check (random check in accordance with DIN ISO 2859-1) as well as various finishing and ironing work in Kleinheubach. Our employees inspect the pieces intended for shipment, process them professionally according to our clients’ specifications and ship them off ready for sale. A fully equipped clothes processing department with the necessary industrial ironing machines is an absolute prerequisite. At Kaiser, you will find the suitable equipment with specially trained specialist personnel over an area of about 4000 sqm.
Integration into the client’s logistics system
For processing orders and business transactions, we are connected with most of our clients by means of electronic data interchange (EDI).
With full integration, each purchase made by an end consumer at the cash register triggers an electronic reorder process at Kaiser’s end.
Inventory management / NOS
Kaiser also offers sales floor inventory management. We have developed the necessary communication tools and electronic data processing concepts for managing repeat or NOS orders (Never Out of Stock – items are always in stock).
Kaiser reliably delivers the agreed quality on time.